Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Decorate my Room Already!

Mommy and Daddy don't seem to get it.  I'm coming in four months!  Mommy and Daddy have purchase ZERO stuff.  Mommy and Daddy have taken ZERO classes.  Most importantly they haven't started my room.  Baby RadJo room still looks like the cat room mixed with an explosion of beads, scrapbook materials, collectibles, and lumberjack clothes.  Mom has discussed moving Choco-P (the cat) somewhere and moving Dad's winter clothes elsewhere.  Then there's the matter of all of those craft supplies.  The compromise is making the nursery double as a craft room.  Um...Ok I'm cool with Mom hanging out with me all day and then toiling away at crafts while I sleep stopping them as soon as I cry out (I'm hungry, I'm tired, My diapers wet!, It's cold!, It's Hot! I'm Thirsty! I want to be Picked up).  But I still want to make sure there's enough room for me.  All the books say I need a rocker, a crib, a dresser, and somewhere to put all my stuff.  Then there's the place to store all my diapers, clothes, a soft carpet, etc.  

Here are mom's ideas so far:
The Moroccan Souk
Owls in Forests (but not scary owls but happy ones)
Birds, Flowers, and Trees
Butterflies, Fields, and Flowers

So yeah no Winnie the Pooh here.  Mom does have a plan.  She says she'll paint a mural and paint all the furniture etc etc.   She's supposed to make the curtains and design something to keep Choco-P out of the crib.

I'm excited but it would be nice to get it going! 

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