Friday, January 22, 2010

The Things People Say!

We have received the general pregnant pleasantries of "When are you do?" "What are you having?"  "Is this your first?"  But people say crazy things to expecting parents.   Here are some things people have said to Mommy and Daddy:

1.  The first person will be named.  Grandma (or whatever name I end up giving Mommy's mom) said (when seeing Mommy for the first time since early December), "You are going to be in soooo much pain!  Oh my God, you are so huge already!"

2.  "You don't look like you are five months."   ((this person thought mommy was more like 3 months))

3.  Several random people have said (after Mommy or Daddy say they are waiting to find out if I am a girl or boy) "But what do you REALLY want to have?"

4.  "Are you sure you are only five months?"  ((this person thought mommy was more like seven months))

5.  A co-worker of Mommy's said, "You must have a weak bladder [when Mommy walked by his desk to go to the bathroom again].  What are you going to do in the last trimester, sit on the toilet all day?"

6.  "You are having a boy because you are all butt and stomach."

7.  "You are having a boy because it's hanging low."

8.  "Your having a girl because you are having an easy pregnancy."

9.  "You look better now since you are pregnant.  Now you don't have the sunken in look."

And more!

1 comment:

  1. Some of those comments are crazy! LOL
    I think I was one of the ones asking you what do you really want? LOL
