Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sushi, tea, chocolate, dogs that eat babies, cats that suffocate babies, oh my!

So some might define mommy has a control freak or someone who worries a lot.'s not like Mommy worries about terrorism or money issues or who said what about who or any of those matters that most people worry about.  My mommy has complex and educated worries.  Like what if Posa (our dog) gets rock salt on her paws and then brings it in the house and then licks it and then Choco-P (our cat) licks it and then they both get sick and then we can't take them to the doctor because the winter storm.  Or what if Grandma/Glo-mom/Abuela/Nana (name to be determined at a later date) goes to XYZ, forgets her cell phone, gets disoriented, ends up at the wrong place, can't figure out how to get to XYZ or home, and then asks a stranger, who then takes her somewhere unsafe.  So imagine how I have to deal with my situation.  I'm hanging out in mommy's body and every once in a while I hear her muffled voice say, "why isn't it moving?" and she proceeds to poke around my home (her stomach) when I'm trying to rest.  Or when I send signals that I would like something to eat and um...that sushi he is eating looks good.  But then mommy says they say I can't eat sushi.  I can't eat chocolate.  I can't drink tea (real tea, you do know Chamomile and peppermint aren't actually teas...they are tisanes which means hot water and herbs or flowers, while tea is hot water with tea leaves).  I don't mind that she doesn't eat sushi or drink tea.  But I do mind all the consternation that comes with the decision process.  She's researching online and listening to people who say "Millions of Japanese women get pregnant every year and still eat sushi"  and others who say "Why test fate?  Raw fish has the potential to make you very sick and if you get very sick the doctors can't get you anything because it could endanger the baby."  Then there's the girl from work who says, "My sister followed the doctors advice and then her baby came out underweight and now the poor child is the smallest one."  She's also worried about Posa and Choco-P.   Posa likes to jump.  What if Posa jumps on mommy when she is holding me?  Which way should mommy fall?  She's already falling up and down the steps at home without the push from Posa.  What if Choco-P jumps in the crib?  Then there are the other worries like what type of stroller, what type of car seat, what type of breast pump, should they hire a nanny or go to a daycare, should I sleep in the room with mommy and daddy or should I immediately go into the nursery (when will the nursery be finished), blah blah blah.   I've tried to tell mommy to get a grip.  Don't worry.  It's worst to worry about chocolate than eat it.   Posa's not likely to be Damien and push the stroller down the steps.  Choco-P won't jump in the crib if it's covered and the door is closed. Plus she doesn't like loud things and I plan on being loud.  Mommy just needs to take a chill pill.  

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