Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sushi, tea, chocolate, dogs that eat babies, cats that suffocate babies, oh my!
So some might define mommy has a control freak or someone who worries a lot.'s not like Mommy worries about terrorism or money issues or who said what about who or any of those matters that most people worry about. My mommy has complex and educated worries. Like what if Posa (our dog) gets rock salt on her paws and then brings it in the house and then licks it and then Choco-P (our cat) licks it and then they both get sick and then we can't take them to the doctor because the winter storm. Or what if Grandma/Glo-mom/Abuela/Nana (name to be determined at a later date) goes to XYZ, forgets her cell phone, gets disoriented, ends up at the wrong place, can't figure out how to get to XYZ or home, and then asks a stranger, who then takes her somewhere unsafe. So imagine how I have to deal with my situation. I'm hanging out in mommy's body and every once in a while I hear her muffled voice say, "why isn't it moving?" and she proceeds to poke around my home (her stomach) when I'm trying to rest. Or when I send signals that I would like something to eat and um...that sushi he is eating looks good. But then mommy says they say I can't eat sushi. I can't eat chocolate. I can't drink tea (real tea, you do know Chamomile and peppermint aren't actually teas...they are tisanes which means hot water and herbs or flowers, while tea is hot water with tea leaves). I don't mind that she doesn't eat sushi or drink tea. But I do mind all the consternation that comes with the decision process. She's researching online and listening to people who say "Millions of Japanese women get pregnant every year and still eat sushi" and others who say "Why test fate? Raw fish has the potential to make you very sick and if you get very sick the doctors can't get you anything because it could endanger the baby." Then there's the girl from work who says, "My sister followed the doctors advice and then her baby came out underweight and now the poor child is the smallest one." She's also worried about Posa and Choco-P. Posa likes to jump. What if Posa jumps on mommy when she is holding me? Which way should mommy fall? She's already falling up and down the steps at home without the push from Posa. What if Choco-P jumps in the crib? Then there are the other worries like what type of stroller, what type of car seat, what type of breast pump, should they hire a nanny or go to a daycare, should I sleep in the room with mommy and daddy or should I immediately go into the nursery (when will the nursery be finished), blah blah blah. I've tried to tell mommy to get a grip. Don't worry. It's worst to worry about chocolate than eat it. Posa's not likely to be Damien and push the stroller down the steps. Choco-P won't jump in the crib if it's covered and the door is closed. Plus she doesn't like loud things and I plan on being loud. Mommy just needs to take a chill pill.
Monday, December 14, 2009
People have been picking on me :(
Recently people have been telling mommy she looks smaller than 5 months. I'm 17 weeks now and about 5 ounces. I am the size of a turnip! I think I'm pretty big. I'm bigger than I was just a few days ago. Still people feel the need to tell mommy to eat more or exercise less. She is eating. That was part of my big plan. She's gained 20-25 pounds (depends on how much you think clothes weigh) since her last time on stage in August. She's been following my lead for a while now. She even gets up in the middle of the night to eat if I say so. As far as exercising goes sometimes I let her get a work out in here and there but other than walking, she's not doing anything daily. At least not two workouts a day like before! Daddy is still working out like he is training for the Olympics. That's cool for now (whoawhawhahh! evil laugh to imply that when I'm born Daddy might not be able to do long bike rides on Sat morning)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Say my name, say my name!
Mommy and daddy have no idea what my name will be. They won’t know whether I’m a girl or boy until the delivery date and so they have to come up with a lot of baby names. A few years ago when mommy’s clock started ticking she kept a journal of boy and girl names. But alas, she can’t find it now. There’s talk of naming me after relatives or names that remind them of places they visited etc. Mommy’s favorite girl name at one point was “Suri” then Tom and Katie took that name. Apple Blossom is already taken. Do you have any suggestions? I would like something new and original but good old classics are not too bad either. Also, I would like people to be able to pronounce my name. Though most people can’t pronounce mommy’s first name and their last name. Speaking of last names, my first name can’t be too long, I would like to be able to bubble it in on my scantron sheet when I take my exams. If you have a suggestion post it here.
Oh, and for the person(s) (one person already asked) who want to know if Baby RadJo is my name. No, silly! It’s a gender/sex neutral placeholder until I’m born.
Sex? What’s the big deal!
Everyone keeps asking mommy and daddy, “What are you having?” Or even, “What do you want?” Mommy and daddy don’t have a particular preference over baby sex. They just want a healthy baby. Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter. So far, I’m the only one who knows what I am. The big ultrasound where they will be able to tell if I am a boy or girl is in a couple of weeks. So the doctor will tell them to look when it’s appropriate (giving me time to hide my you-know-what.
They will find out what I am on May 23. So far it looks like there’s just one BabyRadJo. Or is it? LOL! You’ll have to wait and find out!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
How's mommy feeling?
I passed my first test!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mommy's is Pregnant!
Mommy is a little upset. She went out with friends on Saturday and was dismayed because they said she didn't look pregnant. Not pregnant! She had on her Bellaband (if you don't know what that is, google it) because she couldn't button her skinny jeans and a tight shirt that showed off my hard work. I take offense to the notion that she doesn't look pregnant. I've been working hard on mommy with her cravings and decreasing her ability to work out (hey I need my oxygen!). So she told me to post this blog and photos. To show her baby bump. She'll get bigger. She looks forward to people giving her seats on the metro and gentlemen tipping their hats when she passes by. She'll get discounts at stores and extra food at restaurants. People will smile and just be nice to her because she's pregnant. Just the other day her sister brought her an organic cupcake just because!
yes, mommy's in a swimsuit. Big deal. Ground Zero was the week before inception and mommy was still on stage. The other picture in the white swim suit is week 10 when mommy knew she was pregers but thought she could still compete in two weeks. The other two pictures are week 11 and week 13. Week 13 pics were taken that same weekend everyone said she didn't look pregnant. Come on!
My Pictures
I have had two trips to the doctor so far. The first time I was photographed I was just a little bit and mommy affectionately called me her "gummy bear." Mommy was lucky she because they took my first pictures with a new internal ultrasound device. Yup! No goo on the stomach. They inserted a device to take the pictures.
My second set of pictures shows how much I have developed. I've got hands and legs and eyes! I particularly like my Alien pictures. I am sure you would agree. By the end of the photo session I was exhausted. I think you can see the picture where I put my hands in front of my face. At some point all stars get tired of the paparazzi.
Why do I Need a Blog?
Personally I am offended that I have to answer that question. Why not!?!?! Everyone under the sun these days gets a blog, why can't I? Besides the fact that I am the absolute most important thing that has ever happened to my parents and maybe the world, here's why I have a blog...because my parent's don't!
One of my parents believes the Internet is for checking on the Red Sox and watching funny clips sent by his/her good friend M.H. or its for reading emails in the privacy of one's home. This parent believes social media is a trap. It's an invasion of privacy and it decrease our overall security.
The other parent believes the Internet could be used for nefarious reasons but overall it's great. Plus, even without our own blogs or permission, the Internet already has tons of info on us. You can google our names and find out how we did in our recent athletic challenges or see our pictures or even Google Earth our house!
Both parents recognize there is a small (but I think large) group of people who would care about me and my journey, so they should do something to tell my tale. So they have compromised and given me permission to have my own blog.
But there are certain rules here we must abide by so I can keep my blog. One, do not use my parents full names in responding to blogs. Try not to even mention their first names. Don't talk about where my daddy or mommy work. This blog is all about me! If you want to talk to daddy or mommy send them an email. If you don't have their email, then you shouldn't be here!
Thanks for your help!
Baby RadJo