Mommy is a little upset. She went out with friends on Saturday and was dismayed because they said she didn't look pregnant. Not pregnant! She had on her Bellaband (if you don't know what that is, google it) because she couldn't button her skinny jeans and a tight shirt that showed off my hard work. I take offense to the notion that she doesn't look pregnant. I've been working hard on mommy with her cravings and decreasing her ability to work out (hey I need my oxygen!). So she told me to post this blog and photos. To show her baby bump. She'll get bigger. She looks forward to people giving her seats on the metro and gentlemen tipping their hats when she passes by. She'll get discounts at stores and extra food at restaurants. People will smile and just be nice to her because she's pregnant. Just the other day her sister brought her an organic cupcake just because!
yes, mommy's in a swimsuit. Big deal. Ground Zero was the week before inception and mommy was still on stage. The other picture in the white swim suit is week 10 when mommy knew she was pregers but thought she could still compete in two weeks. The other two pictures are week 11 and week 13. Week 13 pics were taken that same weekend everyone said she didn't look pregnant. Come on!
My stomach looks like that now...LOL...Hi Jehan, Jeff and Baby Radjo..its Karee!