Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How's mommy feeling?

Some have asked how's mommy feeling?  Well she's fine.  I'm fine too, thanks for asking.  As my carrier and my future source of all things creative and organic expensive treats from Whole Foods, I decided to take it easy with mommy.  So she hasn't thrown up once.  She's been hungry (because I was hungry) and she's been tired (because I need to grow and get big, I can't have her working out twice a day everyday!).  I also made her a bit more emotional.  I think it's good for her to bond with her sensitive side.  So what if she cried watching HGTV, it was pretty emotional to see the house built for the family that had no home.  Plus, the more sensitive she gets the more she'll protect all that's important to me. Like these days she gets mad if people around her are sick.  She needs that fire to keep from getting sick!  I need no delays in my process.  She's also more protective of daddy.  It's only natural.  I want our family to stick together.  It's in my best interest.  So if she sees a girl at the gym talking to daddy (never mind if she is asking if he's done with his set), mommy gets irritated and thanks about throwing her towel at the girl.  But I also help endear daddy to mommy.  I made certain things bigger to get his attention.  Her stomach!  What were you people thinking

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