Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oh My God, She's Pregnant (Diamond Head Crater)

On day two of the Baby Moon (yesterday) Mommy and Daddy went on a hike. Mommy is almost 7 months pregnant. Daddy said the hike was probably more like a walk and it was only 3/4 of a mile. Mommy forgot one of the cardinal rules when doing anything with Daddy (do your own research). How hard could it be? There were several touristy people around with flip flops and street clothes? (Mommy forgot the second cardinal rule, don't judge the trail by what the tourists have on.) Certain tourists from certain countries will hike in flip flops and carry large cameras regardless. The trail started out rather simple. It was a long and flat paved road. A woman passed Mommy and Daddy and told Daddy "You might need to carry her part of the way." Hah Hah Hah.

Soon they were off the paved wide road and on a dirt path. Mommy had water and they stopped here and there. Then the switchbacks started and the trail started on a ever increasing upwards slope (in fact later Mommy learned that the trail clims 560 feet). The trail was packed with people. Behind Mommy and Daddy was a group of Japanese high school age teens. Mommy called them the "Alohas." The group of 50-70 kids said "Aloha" to each person that walked by them. Each of them said it, every time. So you heard a chorus of "Aloha, aloha, aloha, indescript Japanese.... aloha, giggle giggle, more indescript Japanese." The train soon turned to a steep stair way of 74 concrete steps. The "light" at the end of that tunnel was a 225 foot long narrow tunnel. By this point, due to water breaks, the "Aholas" had caught up with Mommy and Daddy. So they walked through the dark tunnel (which didn't have much air) with the sound of "Aloha, aloha, aloha, indescript Japanese.... aloha, giggle giggle, more indescript Japanese."

In addition to the Alohas, Mommy also started to hear people talking about her. Now after the tunnel Mommy and Daddy were on the second "stairway" which was 99 steeps steps. People were now saying, "Oh my God, she's pregnant." Every once in a while the on lookers who were panting and complaining about the summit would stop and talk to Mommy. One person said, "You must be in really great shape." Mommy replied "Yes, that or I'm just stupid." Another group coming down from the hike yelled to Mommy, "Wow, that baby is going to come out running a marathon!" Other people would just utter things like"that's amazing" and "Are you going ALL the way to the top?" "yes, but I'll take breaks Mommy said." At some point (in fairness to Daddy) he did say, you know if you want you could just wait here and I'll go up and come back down." Mommy quipped back, "Oh yeah I'd love to sit in the sun and wait for you to come back. No, I'm here now. I'm going to finish this too." Daddy said something about Mommy needing to think smarter and Mommy said something like "Well maybe you shouldn't have said this was easy and 3/4 a mile." Daddy then replied, "I never said it was 3/4 a mile. I said it was .8 a mile. Plus there's the incline." That would have gone on more if Mommy (after realizing she was becoming a side show star) hadn't decided to bask in the "did you see there's a pregnant woman coming up?". Then there were more spiral steps and followed by the last set of metal stairs. The top was beautiful. As always, the hike up is hard but the end product makes it worth it (that's Mommy's justification for natural birth). On the way down, there were more people who shamelessly stopped complaining about the uphill when they saw Mommy coming down. At the exit of the park, Mommy and Daddy took a picture by the Diamond Head Crater sign. The girl that took the picture said, "Did you go up ALL the way to the top? " "Yes." "But really the WHOLE way."

This is what Mommy says happened, I don't really know. The sun and constant rocking motion put me to sleep. But Mommy was comforted when I started to move and kick after she drank a smoothie.

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